Brass Vortex, Universal Combo

( 2 Reviews )

Say NO to the brass rain... This design prevents brass from going sideways and stopping up the flow.  The two piece design brings the contact point up higher.  Super durable and 2 second install.

This Universal Combo has two funnels included, V001 and V002... These are not casefeeder specific.  The package will give you tunability for any wild length or size reloading project.

Tested casefeeders:

ALL Dillon round funnel models and Brass Sizes... 2 speed Dillon and Variable Speed.

Mark 7 Apex Feeder... 90% fixed.. You have to run it slow due to the feeder design, it drops the brass really late vs a dillon and needs to be fixed from the manufacturer, but we tested it and got 100% reliablity running the feeder slow.


Current stock:

2 Reviews

Rob Maine Dec 27th 2023

Still jams

So far I have used this with about 700-1000 cases. It worked for a while, but still jammed up 3 times before I removed it. I am feeding dirty brass to a Rollsizer decapper. Maybe this doesn't work with dirty brass. I'll try it again when I start reloading again with clean brass.

Scott Dec 25th 2023


a must. excellent product

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